Monday, September 1, 2014

Yellowstone and the Tetons

I just returned from a trip to the Tetons and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.  The waterfalls, geysers and mountains were beyond belief.  The mammals and birds were diverse and amazing.  The trip also included drives through rural Wyoming and the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.  Grizzly bears and river otters eluded me, but most other expected mountain mammal species were observed.  New bird species included most of the usual western mountain species, with the biggest surprise being a pair of Harlequin Ducks.  

An American Black Bear being too busy ripping grubs from a rotting log to look up for the picture.

This is an American Dipper standing on a rock in the middle of a Yellowstone stream.

Luck was on our side as we arrived at this location just in time to see Bison crossing a river in Yellowstone.

Here is a young Common Raven standing along a road in the park.

This is a view of the Grand Teton Mountains on one foggy morning.

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