Saturday, April 26, 2014

Brown Pelican

A Brown Pelican was reported near Tuttle Creek Reservoir this week, so that meant road trip on Saturday.  I was able to locate the bird and it was somewhat cooperative posing for pictures.  While driving through Tuttle Creek State Park, Warbling Vireos, a Baltimore Oriole and a Red-eyed Vireo were singing to the many week-end campers.  I stopped at the Oregon Trail Nature Trail on the way home, which proved productive despite very windy conditions.  Along the trail I located several Orange-crowned Warblers, a Nashville Warbler and a Least Flycatcher.  A Painted Turtle and Black Rat Snake were also seen today.  Friday evening I decided to put up my Hummingbird feeder, and within just 20 minutes, was rewarded with a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird.  Migration is in full motion.

 Brown Pelicans are normally seen in coastal states, and are very rare in Kansas.
A Nashville Warbler making his long trip north to its nesting grounds.

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