Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fantastic Saturday

The day started with a quick trip to Echo Cliff Park in Wabaunsee County where I found a pair of Acadian Flycatchers.  Next stop – Clarion Park where I ran into a birding friend, Linda Zempel, who helped me find a beautiful Painted Bunting.  On my way home, I had to make an another quick stop at Felker Park, where I ran into Jim Malcom.  It sure seems like there were lots of people out today.  There we found a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, two Canada Warblers, and a female Blackburnian Warbler.  We also found a large Softshell turtle in Shunga Creek.  A great day to be out; and migration is still going strong.  After also adding a few new insects today, my year total is now 400 species.

 Check out this Painted Bunting that we located at Clarion Park.   

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