Monday, March 24, 2014

March Madness

First things first, my daughter was married this past Saturday.  The wedding and bride were beautiful, and she married a great guy.  Congratulations to both of you, and may you have many happy years together.  Now, back to chasing species.  Despite much time devoted to wedding preparation, I was able to sneak out occasionally over the past several weeks and chase new species.  As the spring migration floodgates slowly start to trickle in, I found most of the expected March migrants – such as Purple Martin, Tree Swallow, Eastern Phoebe, Great Egret, Turkey Vulture, and American Woodcock.   On the mammal front, I added Red Fox, Common Raccoon and American Beaver.  On a one warm rainy day, the Boreal Chorus Frogs commenced their spring serenades at Baker Wetlands.  Between occasional cold fronts and snow showers, spring is starting make its appearance; waking up insects and prompting territorial behavior in all manner of creatures.  My year total is now 145 species.    
Redhead duck (wonder why they call it that?) seen at John Redmond Reservoir.
A Great Egret, living up to its name, at John Redmond Reservoir.

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