Sunday, March 2, 2014

This Week’s Wanderings

I was able to make several quick trips to area lakes this week.  I saw a Long-tailed Duck at Wyandotte Lake and a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Clinton Lake.  Both are excellent finds for Kansas.  On Sunday, a lone male Purple Finch made a quick visit at my feeders.  He didn’t even stick around long enough for a photo.  Other birds added this week were Northern Shoveler and Ruddy Duck.  On the mammal front, I found a Least Shrew under an overturned wheel barrel in my yard. Least Shrews rarely live more than one year and their only defense is venomous saliva, so get let one bite you.

Lesser Black-backed Gull at Clinton Lake.  I know, not a good photo.  The bird was 100 yards away and it was a cloudy day. 

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