Sunday, March 30, 2014

March Big Day

Jim Malcom and I did a Shawnee County big day for March on Saturday.  We finished the day with 87 bird species.  As a bonus, Jim’s quick eye spotted a Mourning Cloak butterfly in Felker Park.  The day started at Shawnee State Fishing Lake where we found 15 Greater Prairie Chickens, a Merlin, 5 Baird’s Sandpipers, and a bunch of Song and Fox Sparrows.  We moved on to Shawnee Lake where the best find were two Horned Grebes.    A Great-tailed Grackle was heard calling at Iwig’s Dairy. We finished at Colbenz Marsh where we found two Greater Yellowlegs, four Wilson’s Snipe and an American Pipit.  For the week-end, I gained 10 new species, bringing my total to 156.
I found this Great Horned Owl sitting on a nest not far from my house on Sunday.

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