Sunday, January 19, 2014

Longspurs and Swans

I attended a Topeka Audubon Society field trip on Saturday to Lyon State Fishing Lake, with seventeen people participating in the trip.  It is always great to hang out with fellow bird and nature enthusiasts.  After reaching our destination, we were able to locate four Long-eared Owls.  The group then spread out and walked through a short grass field south of the lake and flushed one Smith's Longspur.  Smith’s Longspurs are traditionally a difficult species to locate in Kansas.

On Sunday morning, after hearing tales of a large number of swans, I travelled to Wyandotte Lake.  I was amply rewarded with 42 Trumpeter Swans at the lake.  They were accompanied by thousands of Canada Geese and a variety of ducks, mostly Mallards.  I did locate some Common Goldeneye, Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Ducks, and Redheads.  The swans were well worth the trip.  

Trumpeter Swans at Wyandotte Lake

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