Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12 Update

Thanks to work and a bad head cold, I was relegated to just occasionally watching my feeders for the past week.  The second best feeder visitor was a Hairy Woodpecker, second only because the Brown Thrasher continues to frequent my feeders.  Also had an Eastern Gray Squirrel wander into my yard.

Hairy Woodpecker – differentiated from a Downy Woodpecker by the overall larger size and much longer beak.

On Saturday January 11, I assisted Jim Malcom with the annual Council Grove Christmas Bird Count.  We covered one-third of the count circle and enjoyed the warmer temperatures.  Best birds were a Golden Eagle and a Northern Shrike, both located in rural Morris County.  Also found a pair of Wood Ducks on a small unfrozen section on a creek downstream from the Council Grove Lake spillway.  Others assisting with the count were Brett Sandercock, Bob Hoops, and a graduate student from Atchison (can't remember her name).  

As of today, I have 74 bird species and three mammals for a total of 77.

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